Why bamboo ?

The Eco Village Sian Ka’an is a community developing a new concept of healthy living, for people that love to enjoy their free time with their family and friends, in a close relationship with the nature, the respect for the environment, natural health therapies, organic food , conferences and workshops to new knowledge, and a lifestyle that can provide a better quality of living.

Eco Sian Ka’an will be made with ecological bamboo villas, because not only is bamboo the best eco-friendly alternative to building with timber from a green perspective, it actually performs better in University tests that measure things like tensile and compression strength. And in real world events like hurricanes and earthquakes, well-constructed bamboo homes (like the ones we create) stood strong while conventionally built structures didn't.

Our group is launching in Tulum, a very eco friendly area by the Caribbean, Mexico, the first ECO VILLAGE, with an eco Resort, and a wellness center where to follow heath care weeks.
It is possible to be part of our community , write us :
Thanks !!


New Community Prototype – Green/Sustainability – Design Concept

Sustainability refers to the capacity of something to endure. In ecology, it refers to biological systems' ability to remain diverse and productive over time.

Sustainability is an ecological policy that states that humans and nature are interdependent for survival, and that wastes need to be responsibly removed to preserve the quality of life.
Sustainability, in a general sense, is the capacity to maintain a certain process or state indefinitely.
So, the question is; how can we design a community that will not just “take” but give back? How do we develop responsibly? Is there a way to be one with the land – sustainability. This is Environmental responsibility.

The economy is another factor that we need to take into consideration as we ponder new developments. The consumers are more educated and more intuitive about technology and value. So, we the developers, must come up with new ideas that will address the needs of our costumers/buyers and the need to be responsible with our environment.

In this early stage of development, approximately 40 acres will suffice. The zoning should be R1 (1unit/acre). This new community design will give you the avenue to maximize exposure by showcasing a new product, not just referring to the homes but showcasing a new community – one that will produce and give back. This new subdivision or product as a whole will establish the new norm or standard, so in the future all other developments will have to follow this lead – this, as you know, is known as market leadership.

In essence, you will create a “paradigm shift.” This means you have to radically change the way people think about a particular subject, in this case, you have to change the way people would view, think or decide how they purchase a home or the type of home or in what type of community. So, your subdivision has to pave the way for a new style of community – not just a new style of home but a new type of community.

The community is the key to your success with this project. Imagine being able to market a community that makes neighbors cooperate or work together for common community benefits – whether by sharing, selling or giving some product away. So now, imagine the life style of the 1800's or the early 1900's but with all of the modern conveniences.

Hence your project will be a new prototype community where the homes are as close to 100% green / sustainable as possible and actually become part of a complex eco-system; getting and giving back to the land – living in a symbiotic relationship with the whole subdivision. Not only will the home be self-sufficient but the whole subdivision will produce a bountiful harvest of vegetables for the community. Based on quantities, the community will share in the harvest or they can sell a percentage to local restaurants or give some away to charity. It all establishes a relationship that starts with the land, than to the home, from the home to the land and finally to the community.